Orders are not being displayed on the KDS station(s).
- Confirm you have completed all configuration and onboarding steps listed on the KDS for CAKE: KDS for CAKE: Set Up - Configuring & Onboarding the KDS
- The KDS application should be kept open to receive orders.
- The POS & KDS need to be on the same network. Confirm the KDS Elo Touch Screen is hardwired or wirelessly connected to the CAKE router (ZyXEL).
I have set up a KDS station in Menu Admin (Stations tab) and on the POS, but the items are not displaying on the KDS.
KDS stations need to be assigned to categories/items for them to display on the KDS station(s).
- Assigning a KDS Station to multiple items at once via categories: When a KDS station is assigned to a category, the KDS station will be assigned to all items within that category. In Menu Admin go to the Categories tab. Select any category to pull up the Edit Category menu. Scroll down to the Stations section and add the desired KDS station, then select save.
- Assigning a KDS Station to a specific item: To assign a KDS station to a specific item, in Menu Admin go the Items tab. Select an item to pull up the Edit Item menu. Scroll down to the Stations section and add the desired KDS station, then select save.
I assigned categories/items to multiple prep stations (grill, bar, etc.), and they are not displaying.
Currently, categories/items can only be assigned to one prep station and one expo station.
When I void & reopen a paid order, it does not display on the KDS.
Currently, paid orders that are voided & reopened will not display on the KDS, but an order/item void will display on the KDS and will need to be ‘confirmed’ by the kitchen staff to ensure the void was seen.
When I am in training mode orders do not display on the KDS.
Currently, when in training mode tickets will not display on the KDS. This will be implemented in a future update.
Voids are not displaying on the KDS.
Confirm the Void Prep Tickets Sending Setting is toggled ON by going on your POS to Main Menu > System Options > ‘Sending’ tab.
NOTE: Paid orders that are voided & reopened on the POS will not display on the KDS Station(s).
Prep stations (grill, bar, etc.) do not update Expo stations when items are completed.
When an item is marked completed on a prep station (by tapping the item), on the expo station the item color will change from grey to black.
This configuration will only work if the Expo station is named ‘Expo’.
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